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According to a report by social media firm, Singaporeans are the heaviest social media users with 68.1% of the total population using social media regularly. Yet, despite the high social media penetration, firms in Singapore rank low in corporate social performance and miss out on potential sales loss of 67.5 million Singapore dollars each month.

Business need social media, tools and practices in your business – not just for marketing but many other uses.  If you’re not using it now, you’re already late. Your competitor is probably using it right now to engage YOUR customers and to work smarter internally and with their business partners. 

Social media is no longer something only for personal use in socialising. It is also not just external social media such as Facebook, but also internal tools such as Sharepoint and Connections. It has expanded beyond marketing, branding and public relations (PR). Leading companies, in Singapore and internationally, are leveraging social media strategically on almost all aspects of their business.

Singapore's company need to use Social Media effectively. 


"If social media isn't part of your business strategy, you've already fallen behind the curve-and your competition." - Erik Qualman, American author of Socialnomics, Digital Leader and Crisis.


Social Media in Action in Singapore

Oops! - Social Media exposed deception!

When the world is watching through social media, it becomes near impossible to hide or evade the truth. In the social world we live, we can count on self appointed fact checkers doing simple investigation by  logging onto a social network site to determine if 

people in the national spotlight are being honest.The net citizen people start to smell the smoke of dishonestly, a wildfire is of tweets is sure  to  follow.

Social Media in Singapore.

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